Tuesday, April 8, 2014


"The Ellen DeGeneres Show" was neat, but I'm tired.  Bed.
Sorry Kitty
Mad Kitty
Mad Kitty
Mad Kitty
Mad Kitty
Mad Kitty


The last of the mobile posts on this blog: link.
Mad Kitty
Mad Kitty


may or may not post

 photo 2103-05-27-5.png

Older Women

I have a lot of care for them.  My dad is around their age.  I wish I could visit people or something like that.  Too bad not much is gone on online, yet.  I was gonna just post pix of me in a wig, even though my hair seems to have grown back in.

I hate how people make fun of kids with older parents.  They act like the younger 1s are for them.


I can't believe how much some people don't care @ me.  I think I was framed.  I'm used to being very respected until Johnny Depp and Tim Burton.  Now, they wanna think I've been under watch since like 12.
Mad Kitty
Mad Kitty
Mad Kitty


I remember I was at the roller blading rink surrealy in the New Orleans area where I used to live.  There were weird like life and death things it felt.  Someone was coming to take 1 of us to record with her, someone I knew upbeat and exciting.  I kept positioning myself along the side.  Someone exciting and mush with real read hair or wig, curly, came and I hid or something.  Later I was on a bridge over it with some girls cozying.  I felt set apart, otherwise.


New Page - Things I Like


I wanna go up north so I can not have to m*********.  I'm stuck at home with nothing to do at the moment.  I wonder if I can walk and not be too tired.


Why do I get the feeling someone just accepted people born @ 1996-1999 as the best and youngest?  She denied little kids.  What am I?  Embarrassed at what kids feel good @?
Mad Kitty
Mad Kitty


I was thinking of a song in "Those Who Kill" .. "I am forgiven."  People with Late Boom parents born @ 1960 think it's their duty to be spoiled brats, to be bad to others and not have to be good like it's too much.  It's a plot by the parents!

The Reason You Avoid Certain People

I am not having a good morning.
Mad Kitty


Ice skating's much easier than roller blading on the sidewalk at least.
Mad Kitty

Lost Dream

There was a little girl with soft light|blonde curls in her hair.  I kept waking up like twice insistently, and she was like between my legs softly walking down an aisle at church.  Musta been 4.  I took a nap yesterday.  Perhaps I will run across this post..


for my mum and maybe dad.. I was upset and leaned on the table twice and kicked it some.

*flowers everyone!*


A sister of a girl in the social group passed away last time we had group when she came home.

1st, they said 2 things that were funny.  They said, "Do you know what mass (church) is?"  If you don't know where that's seated, then you're off like a coocoo bird.  Then, "Do you know about funerals?"  Now, in church, everyone says there's lots of funerals.  The last 1 really did it.  They said you can express your anger in the form of poetry.  What's that, from others the story of my life?

Woke Up

My spine no longer hurts - need new bras and maybe underwear.